Sabtu, 16 November 2019

english strategy

  Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers

Image result for english strategy"
  1. Vocabulary building. This is an important component of any English class. This strategy focuses a portion of each classroom session on building a better vocabulary. Teachers can ask students to point out unfamiliar words and go over the meanings in class or use interactive vocabulary-building exercises that relate to the class’s reading material.
  2. Writer’s workshop. Have students participate in a writer’s workshop s

Learning Strategies Are Essential In a Curriculum

Learning strategies are Essential In a Curriculum
By learning strategies I mean any action which you may have to take to solve a problem in learning, to help you make the most of your learning process, to speed up and optimize your cognitive, affective or social behaviour. 

Learning Strategies Belong To The Learner

Learning strategies belong to the learner 

That learning strategies belong to the learner, and should be kept distinct from teaching strategies, may seem obvious, even banal, but in fact most of the time teachers are the source of strategies, they hold them in store for students and seem to “dispense” them when they think it appropriate.

Strategies should become part of selected classroom discourse

Strategies should become part of selected classroom discourse

I have just shown that promoting strategy use is really a matter of investigating what works best for individual learners in the context of particular tasks. Teaching learning strategies is not teaching in the traditional sense. We select a specific task that lends itself particularly well to strategy work because it poses a problem.

Senin, 11 November 2019


Indonesian university students are not well-familiar with language learning strategies (LLS) as they are dependent on their lecturers. This condition also gets worse because the students still have low level of proficiency although they have already been learning English for multiple years. There have been many researches on students’ LLS related to the four language skills and gender but there is a high need of studying the students’ LLS regarding their age in the Indonesian higher education context. This research aimed at investigating students’ language learning strategies related to their ages and providing some steps to make teaching program more effective by considering students’ LLS and their age as well. This research utilized descriptive survey research design.